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My name is Maurizio!


I have been juggling since 2002 and ever since  I have been learning directly from the best jugglers, for i.e. M. Komaro, S. Sing, T. Walker, D.Paumier, G. Martinet,    B. Richter. In my career I have performed for companies like Cirque du Soleil and venues like Chamäleon.

Throughout the years, I have combined object manipulation and interaction with the body creating my own unique style, composed of moves, timing and juggling.

In 2016, I have received the certificate of Circus Trainer, after attending the Social Circus Formation organised by AltroCirco & Cirque du Monde. 

Nowadays my work as professional juggler is divided between performing and teaching. Currently I am rearching the combination of digital arts with juggling.

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